Our passion at TIME is to take care of all the details so that you can focus on what God is calling you to do!
Our TIME vans and vehicles will get you safely from one place to another. We will pick you up at the airport and take care of getting you around the city and to all the ministry where God is leading us.
A good night’s rest is critical to being effective in the Lord’s work! We will house your group in our safe, comfortable facilities, are air conditioned and running hot water to shower.
Our kitchen staff doesn’t make good food, they make GREAT food! There are fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy meats, and purified water to make sure you have the energy you need to work hard, play hard, and pray hard. We serve a wide variety of local and American dishes where there is something for even the pickiest of eaters! Let our hospitality team take good care of you during your time of service for the Kingdom!
Don’t speak Spanish? Don’t worry! Our team of missionaries, national volunteers, and interns will help you communicate God’s message of love to everyone you meet.
In Monterrey, we work to help our pastor partners with projects and repairs to keep their facilities in good order. You might even get a workout mixing cement.
Our goal at TIME is for more people to KNOW God. Opportunities to partner with the local church to proclaim the gospel through VBS, Sports Ministry, English outreach in local schools and week-long camps, park evangelism, Smoked meat or baking classes, and more abound. We are limited only by the creativity and abilities of your group.
Whether it’s church partnerships or one-on-one connections, we desire to help you make long—term relationships from short-term missions. Social media has made it possible to pray, disciple, and simply stay in touch with friends made overseas. Our TIME team would love to get to know you and encourage you in your faith walk, and we need encouragement and fellowship as well! Perhaps your church or group is looking for a long-term pastor and congregation to partner with. We would love to help facilitate that relationship!
Our founder, Zeral Brown, had a saying, “Work hard, pray hard, play hard!” Serving the Lord is a joy and delight, and we want you to experience that as well! We make time for our groups to experience the local culture and beauty of Mexico through recreational excursions, games, and fellowship. Enjoy the mountains, local markets, tacos, and God’s creation! Come see how missions is fun!
Kingdom Relationships/Fellowship with global believers: Just as Jesus discipled through God-centered relationships, so too are the members of your church or group seeking Godly fellowship with like-minded believers in other parts of the world. In addition, we hope to create deeper, God-centered relationships within your group and families!
Exposure to global missions: Perhaps your church is seeking to serve beyond its local Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and is looking for the ends of the earth! Perhaps you are seeking to send forth workers into the global harvest field. Let us show you what God is doing in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and the many opportunities for Christian service. Missionaries are not all pastors and church planters, see how God can use your gifts to serve Him in a world that needs Him.
Passionate workers for local ministries: Our ministry founders, Zeral and Dorretta Brown, hoped that a mission’s trip would inspire participants to return to their home church and ministries and serve with increased vigor. If you can share the Gospel in a place where you don’t know the culture or language, why not in the mission field that is in your own back yard? We have heard countless stories of participants returning “home” with a passion for service in their own churches, families, schools, workplaces, and communities!
To share God's message to His people: Like other Christian pastors in America, our national Pastor Partners are driven by the Holy Spirit to share the Good News and shepherd their flock. Many are bi-vocational, meaning they work full-time jobs, sometimes five to six days a week to earn a living. Very few are able to live and support their families from church offerings. They need encouragement, discipleship, and occasional training. We have many methods to help our Pastor Partners share the Gospel - sports ministry, VBS, medical and eyeglass clinics and more. Let TIME find a Pastor Partner for you!
A temple out of the elements: Our national Pastor Partners lead their congregations in facilities that range from chairs beneath mango trees, torn tarps or rusty tin sheds where services need to be canceled whenever it rains. In only one week, your team can provide a wooden chapel built on a strong foundation of concrete and the rock of Jesus Christ!
Fellowship with global believers: Our national brothers and sisters also desire Kingdom relationships with American churches. It may be sharing culture, food, English, or new methods of reaching others with the Gospel. What can we learn from them and bring back to the American church?
Material resources: While our national Pastor Partners can be spiritually rich, in many instances they are materially in need. Perhaps it’s medical personnel, VBS supplies, bibles or other vocational literature. The Lord has blessed the American church with material resources. Let us be good stewards of those resources and share them for eternal use “where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves to not break in and steal.”
Kingdom Relationships/Fellowship with global believers: Just as Jesus discipled through God-centered relationships, so too are the members of your church or group seeking Godly fellowship with like-minded believers in other parts of the world. In addition, we hope to create deeper, God-centered relationships within your group and families!
Exposure to global missions: Perhaps your church is seeking to serve beyond its local Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and is looking for the ends of the earth! Perhaps you are seeking to send forth workers into the global harvest field. Let us show you what God is doing in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and the many opportunities for Christian service. Missionaries are not all pastors and church planters, see how God can use your gifts to serve Him in a world that needs Him.
Passionate workers for local ministries: Our ministry founders, Zeral and Dorretta Brown, hoped that a mission’s trip would inspire participants to return to their home church and ministries and serve with increased vigor. If you can share the Gospel in a place where you don’t know the culture or language, why not in the mission field that is in your own back yard? We have heard countless stories of participants returning “home” with a passion for service in their own churches, families, schools, workplaces, and communities!
To share God's message to His people: Like other Christian pastors in America, our national Pastor Partners are driven by the Holy Spirit to share the Good News and shepherd their flock. Many are bi-vocational, meaning they work full-time jobs, sometimes five to six days a week to earn a living. Very few are able to live and support their families from church offerings. They need encouragement, discipleship, and occasional training. We have many methods to help our Pastor Partners share the Gospel - sports ministry, VBS, medical and eyeglass clinics and more. Let TIME find a Pastor Partner for you!
A temple out of the elements: Our national Pastor Partners lead their congregations in facilities that range from chairs beneath mango trees, torn tarps or rusty tin sheds where services need to be canceled whenever it rains. In only one week, your team can provide a wooden chapel built on a strong foundation of concrete and the rock of Jesus Christ!
Fellowship with global believers: Our national brothers and sisters also desire Kingdom relationships with American churches. It may be sharing culture, food, English, or new methods of reaching others with the Gospel. What can we learn from them and bring back to the American church?
Material resources: While our national Pastor Partners can be spiritually rich, in many instances they are materially in need. Perhaps it’s medical personnel, VBS supplies, bibles or other vocational literature. The Lord has blessed the American church with material resources. Let us be good stewards of those resources and share them for eternal use “where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves to not break in and steal.”