Called, Inadequate, and Sent Anyway: Saying Yes to Missions Like Moses

Here at TIME Missions, we believe in connecting with the Body of Christ worldwide—because the mission of God is global. And sometimes, the first step into that calling starts with short-term missions.

If you've ever wondered, “God, what is Your plan for my life?” you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in good company—just ask Moses.

Moses: The Unqualified Leader

Moses wasn’t exactly “missionary material” when God called him. By today’s standards, he wouldn’t have made the cut. He didn’t go to seminary. He wasn’t a dynamic speaker. He wasn’t even excited about the idea of leading.

When God said, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10), Moses’ first response wasn’t a bold “Yes, Lord!”

It was resistance.

• “Who am I that I should go?” (Exodus 3:11)

• “What if they don’t believe me?” (Exodus 4:1)

• “I’m not a good speaker.” (Exodus 4:10)

• “Please, send someone else.” (Exodus 4:13)

Sound familiar?

A lot of us feel the same way when we sense God calling us to something bigger than ourselves—whether that’s full-time missions, ministry, or just stepping outside of our comfort zone.

But here’s the key: God’s call isn’t based on our ability—it’s based on His presence.

God didn’t tell Moses, “You’ve got this.” Instead, He simply said, “I will be with you” (Exodus 3:12).

That’s all Moses needed. And it’s all we need, too.

My First Taste of Missions

For me, my first “burning bush” moment happened in 1991 at TIME Missions Mexico. I wasn’t standing before Pharaoh, but I was asking some of the same questions Moses did:

• Am I really the right person for this?

• Do I have what it takes?

• God, are You sure?

And just like God reassured Moses, He reassured me. It wasn’t about my ability—it was about my obedience.

From that moment, I felt at home—comfortable with God, connected to the work, and even seeing glimpses of future leadership at TIME.

Short-Term Missions: A Safe Place to Ask God Big Questions

Short-term missions are an incredible way to step out of the ordinary and ask God, “What is Your plan for my life?”

Moses had his encounter with God in the wilderness. Maybe yours will happen on a short-term mission trip.

For some, it’s the beginning of a lifetime of missions. For others, it’s a season that shapes the way they serve in their home churches, workplaces, and communities. Either way, it’s a place where God speaks, moves, and reveals more of His heart.

If you’re wrestling with “Am I really called?”—take a step, like Moses did.

If you’re feeling inadequate—remember, so did Moses.

If you’re unsure about what’s next—trust that God already knows.

And if you’re waiting for the perfect moment to follow Jesus into the unknown—this is it.

When the God of time, space, and matter calls you to follow, the answer is always yes.

So, come taste and see. Let’s say yes to Jesus together.